MTA latest victim of massive cyberattacks

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The MTA became the target of a cyberattack this past April, MTA officials confirmed.

According to MTA officials, hackers with suspected ties to China penetrated the New York transit agency’s computer systems using Pulse Secure zero-day.

MTA Attack

MTA officials learned of the hack from the April 20 alerts from the FBI, National Security Agency and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The CISA recommended to the MTA patches and fixes within 24 hours of the notice.

Patches were applied to three of the MTA’s 18 systems, according to transit officials, who declined to identify those systems.

Additionally, the MTA made 3,700 employees and contractors, five percent of its workforce to change their passwords.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who controls the MTA, declined to provide additional details at a press briefing Wednesday afternoon.

Pulse Secure zero-day – VPN

You can read more about the Pulse Secure zero-day from our blog post on April 21st. Chinese Hacked Pulse Secure VPN


Reference 1: – MTA computer systems hack

Reference 2: – MTA hacked in april cyberattack employee customer info was not compromised

Reference 3: – MTA cyber attack

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